Palos Heights Public Library 12501 S. 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463 United States
Want an easier way to select a book? Let a librarian do it! Each box will include a book from our collection, a treat, and other fun things. Sign up by March 10th to receive the required questionnaire form to be submitted by March 12th.
Make your own rainbow and have fun making shamrock and leprechaun crafts.
The library is excited to partner with Key Autism Services for this special program featuring both interactive stories and sensory friendly play in a welcoming, supportive setting.
Join us for a screening and discussion of the documentary Alice’s Ordinary People. The film chronicles the journey of Alice Tregay, a Chicago civil rights activist. Director Craig Dudnick will lead the discussion.
Sing and dance your way to the end of the rainbow with these stories and songs all about leprechauns!
All readers and dog lovers are invited to grab a book, ruffle some fur, and read to a dog. Register to practice reading out loud to a certified therapy dog from Bright and Beautiful.
Leaves, grass, shamrocks--green is all around us! Celebrate this spring color with this baby storytime!
Are you feeling lucky? Design a leprechaun trap and go on a scavenger hunt.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a performance from students of Chicago’s famed Trinity Academy of Irish Dance.
We are teaming up with Lake Katherine to learn about animals, weather, and the great outdoors at this monthly, nature-themed story time.
Toggle the date picker: Dec 2028 December 2028